MoreCreeps and Weirdos Wiki

The BubbleScum is a passive mob that spawns in groups ranging from 2-4. They provide many More Creeps and Weirdos achivements.



BubbleScums won't drop anything. The player can earn achivements by lobbing a BubbleScum off of high terrain. If a BubbleScum wonders into a hole with a DigBug inside it then the DigBug will consume it and supply many cookies to the player that can then be used to tame Rocket Giraffes, Camels and Zebras.


BubbleScums will wonder around aimlessly making no attempt to avoid any obstacle in thier way however, they usually try to mount blocks in thier path. The player can RIGHT-CLICK on the BubbleScum to make it sit on the player's head, this is a way of transporting a BubbleScum to another location.

Blorps are commonly seen attempting to terminate Bubblescums from unknown causes. The Blorp usually ends up exterminating the BubbleScum since they have more HP than BubbleScums unless the Blorp took damage before encountering the Bubblescum


V1.95 ADDED: BubbleScums who wander around blowing bubbles and love to take piggyback rides

  • V1.96 FIXED: DigBugs fill in thier holes when they are satiated with BubbleScums
  • V1.99 FIXED: BubbleScum achivements now awarded correctly


  • Bubble Bobble: Drop a BubbleScum from 10 blocks high
  • Pretty in Pink: Drop a BubbleScum from 25 blocks high
  • I Am Scum: Drop a BubbleScum from 50 blocks high
  • MERCILESS: Drop a BubbleScum from 100 blocks high


  • If you look at a BubbleScum carefully; you can see that its eyes and mouth are pulsing in and out of its face
  • BubbleScums wear pollish black shoes with striped socks pulled up